When it comes to connecting the Cato SASE Cloud with Azure, you’ve got a couple of solid options to choose from, each with its own advantages.
- The first route is through IPSEC, linking up with Azure Virtual Wan/Virtual Network Gateway. Now, think of this as the sturdy bridge between your location or users and the vast world of Azure. It's like a secure highway for data, making sure everything flows smoothly.
- There's also another option in Cato's toolbox – the Virtual Socket for Azure. It's the recommended go-to method. Why? Because it's designed to be super user-friendly. Connecting Azure to the Cato SASE Cloud becomes a breeze with this option. It's not just about the technicalities; it's about a straightforward, efficient, and reliable link that just makes sense.
- If flexibility is important to your team, then Cato also offers connectivity via Cross-Connect to Azure. Imagine this as a different path, where your data takes a stroll through Layer2 virtual circuits. This translates to high performance and minimal delays due to no encryption overhead. That makes it cost-efficient, especially for sites that have high throughput. It is also easy to handle.
So, whether you're choosing the recommended Virtual Socket for Azure or leveraging the versatile nature of Cross-Connect, Cato SASE Cloud is built to be tailored, and efficient, and has consistently reliable connectivity solutions seamlessly integrated into the Azure ecosystem.
Contact us if you are interested and book a FREE consult.